Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fun Spot Commercial!

Yesterday me and Natasha attending the taping for the new Fun Spot commercial, the one I had previously mentioned in this blog (scroll down a few lol). We were both really excited for it...until the morning of the shoot, when we both got really really nervous! What would it be like, will we be able to do the moves, are we wearing the right thing, what are you eating for breakfast?! You know, normal regular worries!

We felt better when we got there and saw there were another 30 or so people that had turned up, all different ages, and all wearing different colours etc, so we could pretty much blend in.

The first part of the morning consisted of us all learning the dance moves, which were apparently 'simplified' from what they were originally going to have us learn, and only the 'actual' dancers would be doing the more complicated moves. Which was fine with us as we were nervous enough anyway!

After learning the moves indoors we were all lead to the filming area outside which was in the middle of the park right by the ferris wheel. Unfortunately this was where they randomly split everyone up and placed us where they wanted us, so, horrified, Natasha and I had to do the routine separated! Which I guess for them it was for the best as we may have just giggled our way through it otherwise! I won't say what the new song is for the commercial, but lets just say after hearing the same sound bite over and over for a few has not left my head yet!! Its so catchy as you would expect :)

They took quite a few shots of us all doing the routine and thank fully neither I nor Natasha were told to sit out on the bleachers, which was where they were sending people they didn't think could manage the routine.....big relief! LOL! We then went back inside to record some audio and get some AC relief!

The last part of the day was filming in front of the entrance on the main road. The dancers were doing the routine in the middle and we had to stand to the sides and have fun...kind of dreading what that bit will look like as we were right at the front for it, but luckily we were next to each other this time!

We really enjoyed the whole experience, as neither of us had ever done anything like this before! Plus the organisers were very good as they provided drinks along with pizza and hot dogs, so we were well looked after. At the end of shoot they upgraded our $20 gift cards to $55 gift cards!!!! So as you can imagine I shall be returning soon to take full advantage of it...I hope they have a Skeeball machine in the arcade!!

Once the commercial is out I will post a link...depending on how we look in it he he! Heres a link to the last commercial they did.......IIIIIT'S HUGE!!!!!!


  1. He he thanks Chris!!! Was a lot of fun, sorry you couldn't make time ;)

  2. OMG, I cannot wait to see the new commercial! How exciting!

  3. Thanks Jessica! I can't wait either, hopefully it's not too cringe worthy lol! They are going to email us it once it's done so I will certainly share it! :)
